hail storm

美 [heɪl stɔːrm]英 [heɪl stɔːm]
  • n.雹暴
hail stormhail storm
  1. Radar Echo of a Severe Hail Storm System and Its Gust Front


  2. The Analysis of a Hail Storm with CINRAD / CC Data


  3. The hail storm swept through .


  4. Study on Forecasting Methods of Hail Storm in Lanzhou City


  5. Analysis on Strong Hail Storm Three-body Scattering Signature Using Doppler Weather Radar Data


  6. Primary study of the characteristics of band shaped hail storm in Mianning County


  7. Study of cinrad / sa products for a hail storm


  8. If you are in a hail storm all your endeavors will meet with poor results .


  9. The relation between cumulus convection and the accumulation of unstable energy in the hail storm


  10. A blonde was driving back from the newly-built Olympic stadium when there was a fierce hail storm .


  11. We validate VPP by experimental and real instance , the first is mei yu front process and the second is mesoscale hail storm .


  12. By the detailed analysis of the violent hail storm in Anhui in May 27 , 2002 , the main steps of operational hail detection is described .


  13. The evolvement of echo during the formation of hail storm and the relation of echo intensity with its height are analyzed by use of echo data . of the 711 rain radar .


  14. In this paper , we used the hail storm field experimental data in Gausu Province in1979 & 1980 to choose several typical cases based on the different synoptic patterns and to divide into two types .


  15. The products of CINRAD / SA during the course of generation , development and motion of a hail storm which occured near Dong'e county in Shandong province on September 27 , 2002 are analyzed .


  16. It 's happened before , a hail storm struck the woodhouse auto family , a car dealership outside of Omaha , Nebraska and people from all over called up looking for discounts .


  17. Hail and Rain storm of the strong convective weather are the main meteorology disasters . The process of the hailstorm developing has characters of paroxysmal , quickly moving and short life time .


  18. The approach takes hail and thunder storm cloud as two fuzzy sets of parameters , and focuses that the 0 and 1 values of each parameter in recognition calculation of hail cloud with comprehensive probability method are replaced with its membership degrees for hail and thunder storm cloud .


  19. Behold , the LORD hath a mighty and strong one , which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm , as a flood of mighty waters overflowing , shall cast down to the earth with the hand .


  20. The results show that the starting location of hail embryo which can growth to large hailstone is decided by the streamline field of hail storm , and the effect of hail embryo size on the formation of large hailstone is not remarkable .
